Bio and Publications

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Interesting Data Restructuring Problem

This seemed like an interesting problem. I hope this isn't someone's take-home homework or an interview question. It seemed organic enough when I found out about it.

Given a document like this...

doc = {
    "key": "the key",
    "tag1": ["list", "of", "values"],
    "tag2": ["another", "list", "here"],
    "tag3": ["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor"],

We want a document like this...

doc = {
    "key": "the key",
    "values": [
        {"tag1": "list", "tag2": "another", "tag3": "lorem"},
        {"tag1": "of", "tag2": "list", "tag3": "ipsum"},
        {"tag1": "values", "tag2": "here", "tag3": "dolor"},

In effect, rotating the structure from Dict[str, List[Any]] to List[Dict[str, Any]].
Bonus, we need to limiting the rotation to those keys with a value of List[Any], ignoring keys with atomic values (int, str, etc.).

Step 1. Key Partitioning

We need to distinguish the keys to be rotated from the other keys in the dict.
We start with Dict[str, Union[List[Any], Any]]. We need to distinguish the two subtypes in the union.

from itertools import filterfalse
list_of_values = lambda x: isinstance(doc[x], list)
lov_keys = list(filter(list_of_values, doc.keys()))
non_lov_keys = list(filterfalse(list_of_values, doc.keys()))

This gets two disjoint subsets of keys: those which have a list and all the others. The others, presumably, are strings or integers or something irrelevant.

List lengths

There's no requirement for the lists to be the same lengths. We have three choices here:
  • insist on uniformity,
  • truncate the long ones,
  • pad the short ones.

We'll opt for uniformity in this example. Truncating is what zip() normally does. Padding is what itertools.zip_longest() does.

lengths = (len(doc[k]) for k in lov_keys)
sample = next(lengths)
assert all(l == sample for l in lengths), "Inconsistent lengths"

Some folks don't like using assert for this. This can be a more elaborate if-raise ValueError() if that's necessary.

Use zip() to merge data values

We have several List[Any] instances in the document. The intermediate goal is a List[Tuple[Any, ...]] structure where the items from each tuple are chosen from the source lists. This gets us a sequence of tuples that have parallel selections of items from each of the source lists.

The zip(list, list) function produces pairs from each of the two lists. In our case, we have n lists in the original document. A zip(*lists) will produce a sequence of items selected from each list.

Here's what it looks like:

list(zip(*(doc[k] for k in lov_keys)))

We can also use zip(key-list, value-list) to make a list of key-value pairs from a tuple of the keys and a tuple of values. zip(Tuple[Any, ...], Typle[Any, ...]]) gives us a List[Tuple[Any, Any]] structure. These objects can be turned into dictionaries with the dict() function.

It looks like this:

list(dict(zip(lov_keys, row)) for row in zip(*(doc[k] for k in lov_keys)))

Assemble the parts

The final document, then, is built from untouched keys and touched keys.

d1 = {
    k: doc[k] for k in non_lov_keys
d2 = {
    "values": list(dict(zip(lov_keys, row)) for row in zip(*(doc[k] for k in lov_keys)))

It might be slightly easier to "somehow" build this as s single dictionary, but the two subsets of keys make it seem more sensible to build the resulting document in two parts.

The code I was asked to comment on was quite complex. It built a large number of intermediate structures rather than building a List[Dict] using a list comprehension.

What's important about this problem is the complexity of the list comprehension. In particular, the keys are used twice in the comprehension. One use extracts the source lists from the original document. The second use attaches the key to each value from the original list.

It almost seems like the Python 3.8 "Walrus" operator might be a handy way to shrink this code down from about 14 lines. I'm not sure it's helpful to make this any shorter. Indeed, I'm not 100% sure this compact form is really optimal. The fact that I had to expand things as part of an explanation suggests that separate lines of code are as important as separate subsections of this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Minor typo: ziplongest should be zip_longest


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