Bio and Publications

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Legacy Code Preservation: Some Patterns

After looking at this suite of examples, we can see some patterns emerging. There seem to be several operating principles.
  1. The Data Matters. In many cases, the data is the only thing that actually matters. The legacy application knowledge may be obsolete, or so riddled with quirks as to be useless. The legacy knowledge may involve so much technical detail---no user story---that it's irrelevant when a newer, better technology is used.
  2. User Stories Matter; Legacy Technology Doesn't Matter. It is essential to distinguish the legacy technology from the meaningful user stories. Once the two are teased apart, the technology can be replaced and the user stories preserved. A cool DSL may be helpful, and needs to be preserved, or may be a distraction from the real solution to the real problem.
  3. Understanding the New Technology Is Central. Misusing the new technology simply creates another horrifying legacy.
  4. Testing is Essential. Legacy code cannot be preserved without test cases. Any effort that doesn't include automated comparisons between legacy and converted is just new development.
  5. Discarding is Acceptable. Unless the legacy code has a seriously brilliant and unique algorithm, most business applications are largely disposable. It may be less expensive to simply do new development using the legacy code as a kind of overly-detailed specification. Calling it "conversion" to make managers feel good about "preserving" an "asset" is acceptable. The project is the same as new development, only the words change to protect the egos of those not really involved.
  6. Quirks are Painful. They might be bugs or they might be features. It will be difficult to tell.
How do these principles match against our various case study projects?
  • What's the Story? The applications were technical, and could be discarded.
  • Are There Quirks? Without a test case, we could not be sure of our conversion. So we accepted the quirks.
  • What's the Cost? The application was technical, and could be discarded.
  • Paving the Cowpaths. New Technology was misused, the result was a disaster.
  • Data Warehouse and Legacy Operations. The legacy software encoding knowledge can be split haphazardly into database and application software buckets. The user stories matter. The technology doesn't matter.
  • The Bugs are the Features. The user stories matter. If you can't articulate them, you're going to struggle doing your conversion.
  • Why Preserve An Abomination? When the code is shabby and has bugs, you have to sort out the quirks that will be carried forward and the junk that will be discarded.
  • How Do We Manage This? The user stories matter. The data matters. Focus on these two can help prioritize.
  • Why Preserve the DSL? The user stories and test cases lead to a successful outcome. While the customer may feel like a conversion was being performed, it was really new development using legacy code as a specification.
With modern languages and tools, legacy code conversion is quite simple. The impediments are simply managerial in nature. No one wants to have a carefully maintained piece of software declared a liability and discarded. Everyone wants to think of it as an asset that will be carefully preserved.

1 comment:

  1. There is another pattern that I have first hand experience with. Covert only part of the legacy system and have the legacy and the new system with new features update each other in real time. Oh and btw, the old and new system are not fully compatible w/ each other.

    Techniques like database views and instead of triggers are used to fake out the old or new system as needed.

    And yes, I used the words "fake out" on purpose.


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