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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Multiprocessing and Shared Objects [Revised]

Read this: Shared Counter with Python Multiprocessing.

Brilliant.  Thank you for this.

Too many of the questions on StackOverflow that include multi-threading are better approached as multi-processing.  In Linux, there are times when all threads of a single process are stopped while the process (as a whole) waits for system services to complete.  It's a consequence of the way select and poll work.  An example of the kind of sophisticated design required to avoid this can be found here.  Most I/O-intensive applications should be done via multi processing, not multi threading.

And.  The kind of shared objects that multi threading allows are often rare and require locks.

So, simplify your life.  When you hear about "threads", replace the word with "processes" and move on.  The implementation will be much nicer.

The standard gripe is that process creation is so expensive, and thread creation is relatively cheap.  All true.  That's why folks use process pools: to amortize the creation cost over a long period of operation.


  1. I couldn't agree more. I moved from multi-threading to multi-processing ASAP with 2.6 and life's wonderful. I use it extensively to parallel process data from hundreds of servers in multiple data centers.

  2. While I agree with the principle of what you're saying, it is quite incorrect to say that Linux stops all threads while the process (as a whole) waits for system services to complete. In reality, Linux is very good at executing multiple threads concurrently, both application code and system services.

    What gets in the way is Python's GIL, which prevents multiple threads of an application from accessing Python objects simultaneously.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. No, threads do not generally block the whole process unless they do an operation that requires the whole process to block (which are well-known). This simple test program demonstrates this pretty well:

    Increase the iterations to a large number and notice in top(1) that it happily eats up 2 CPUs without any trouble, yet spends almost all of its execution in kernel space, since it's just making the kernel copy buffers back and forth. top(1) will likely indicate the process is sleeping too!

    Threads would be much more useless if every syscall blocked the whole process, even if only when the syscall was actually executing in kernel space.

    Even in Python, where the global interpreter lock prevents threads from executing Python code concurrently, concurrent I/O is typically possible since the GIL is usually released before an I/O operation begins and reacquired after it completes. It is true in Python, that multiprocessing will probably let you fan out wider than multi-threading, but that is due the GIL and not the characteristics of the underlying operating system.

    The overhead of creating processes is often quoted as a reason to avoid them, but it's really a falsehood. Both threads and processes are generally too expensive to create on-demand, so well written threaded code will generally use a thread pool[1].

    The common reasons for choosing multiple threads over processes are:
    * Memory is shared by default, instead of shared explicitly.
    * The overhead of concurrency constructs is typically lower with threads[1].
    * The memory overhead per thread of execution may be much lower.
    * Some operating systems only support certain concurrency constructs under a threaded model.
    * Some operating systems lack fork(), making it difficult or impossible to spawn a copy of a running program. Portable programs and languages may prefer threads for this reason alone.

    [1] In Linux, the difference between the two isn't very large. Thread and processes really aren't very different at all from the perspective of the kernel (A clone(2) is a clone(2)). However, not all operating systems are Linux and things weren't always this way.

  5. Your very minor revision does nothing to correct your post. To be honest, I'm not even sure I'm entirely correctly that there are any operations left that require the whole process to block simultaneously. Regardless, such operations are things like fork(2), exit(2), and possibly some signal related activities. If your multithreaded application is doing these things with any regularity, it's broken anyway.

    There's not even a good way to do what you claim happens within the kernel: there's no singular magic lock you can hold that will suddenly stop a process and all of its threads from executing in kernel space (outside of things like the historical BKL that locked the whole kernel for everything). There isn't even a single lock for the whole task_struct anymore.

    As a result, I believe that the kernel typically iterates through the list of tasks and locks each one individually when it needs to modify several in a group, possibly also locking the list itself to prevent mutation where necessary. However, such locking could also effect code using multiple processes, since processes are also tasks. Remember, the Linux kernel doesn't treat threads very differently from processes--it only does so where POSIX demands it do so.

    Tasks shouldn't block other tasks unless they're contending for the same resource. Avoiding that in a multithreaded application is hardly difficult.

  6. According to my tests, forking in python (under linux) takes about 3.5 times as long as creating a thread. Forking takes about 600 microseconds on my machine which is quite quick though ;-)

    So use processes - they are cheap!

    import sys
    import os
    from time import time
    import threading

    def nop():
    """Do nothing"""

    def fork_test(n):
    Print time to create and destroy n forks
    start = time()
    for i in xrange(n):
    pid = os.fork()
    if pid == 0: # child
    os.waitpid(pid, 0) # join
    elapsed = time() - start
    print "That took %.3f seconds for %d iterations, %.3fms / fork" % (elapsed, n, elapsed*1E3/n)

    def threading_test(n):
    Print time to create and destroy n threads
    start = time()
    for i in xrange(n):
    tid = threading.Thread(target=nop)
    elapsed = time() - start
    print "That took %.3f seconds for %d iterations, %.3fms / thread" % (elapsed, n, elapsed*1E3/n)

    def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "Syntax: %s " % sys.argv[0]
    raise SystemExit(1)
    iterations = int(sys.argv[1])

    if __name__ == "__main__":

    (Can't figure out what sort of markup to post that code with - sorry!)

  7. Cool, thanks for mentioning my post :-) It was actually born from seeing this kind of questions on SO too often.

    Make sure to read the follow-up post on using multiprocessing instead of threading for CPU-bound tasks. I also plan additional posts on multiprocessing in the near future.

  8. You revised it again and you're still totally wrong! Calling select() nor poll() in one thread does not cause other threads to block, nor does the paper you cited say that. The only case where multiple threads calling select() might see additional blocking is when their waitsets share FDs (i.e., two threads are waiting on the same FD).

    All the paper says is that using select() and poll() in multiple threads with shared waitsets can cause synchronization issues for your application. Moreover, if I were to attempt the design mentioned in your paper with multiple processes, the same problems would still occur. The issue isn't threads, the issue is attempting to access the same socket from multiple tasks simultaneously without properly synchronizing access to the socket and the socket's state. All you need to do to test is call fork(): file descriptors are shared across processes by default!

    The problems discussed by the paper are entirely a consequence of their decision to use select() and/or poll(). Other designs lack these problems entirely. Blocking I/O with one thread per FD is a perfectly viable design on Linux and is quite common in Java applications. It can even lead to superior performance in a lot of cases ( and is certainly easier to manage and program in many ways. Even in their design, the only time that you'll see all threads blocked is when all FDs are idle, which is something that /you want to happen/.

    Though even with their design (which is essentially a variant on the I/O completion port model provided by Windows), if there's enough work to be done per I/O request, you won't see all of the threads blocking.

    At this point, without actual kernel source code demonstrating your claims, you really need to issue a full retraction. You really should issue an apology, too. Your behavior with this issue and refusal to engage directly is way less than professional and what is expected.


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