Bio and Publications

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Painful Python Import Lessons

Python's packages and modules are -- generally -- quite elegant.

They're relatively easy to manage. The file (to make a module into a package) is very elegant. And stuff can be put into the file to create a kind of top-level or header module in a larger package of modules.

To a limit.

It took hours, but I found the edge of the envelope. The hard way.

We have a package with about 10 distinct Django apps. Each Django app is -- itself -- a package. Nothing surprising or difficult here.

At first, just one of those apps used a couple of fancy security-related functions to assure that only certain people could see certain things in the view. It turns out that merely being logged in (and a member of the right group) isn't enough. We have some additional context choices that you must make.

The view functions wind up with a structure that looks like this.
def someView( request, object_id, context_from_URL ):
no_good = check_other_context( context_from_URL )
if no_good is not None: return no_good
still_no_good = check_session()
if still_no_good is not None: return still_no_good
# you get the idea

At first, just one app had this feature.

Then, it grew. Now several apps need to use check_session and check_other_context.

Where to Put The Common Code?

So, now we have the standard architectural problem of refactoring upwards. We need to move these functions somewhere accessible. It's above the original app, and into the package of apps.

The dumb, obvious choice is the package-level file.

Why this is dumb isn't obvious -- at first. This file is implicitly imported. Doesn't seem like a bad thing. With one exception.

The settings.

If the settings file is in a package, and the package-level file has any Django stuff in it -- any at all -- that stuff will be imported before your settings have finished being imported. Settings are loaded lazily -- as late as possible. However, in the process of loading settings, there are defaults, and Django may have to use those defaults in order to finish the import of your settings.

This leads to the weird situation that Django is clearly ignoring fundamental things like DATABASE_ENGINE and similar settings. You get the dummy database engine, Yet, a basic from django.conf import settings; print settings.DATABASE_ENGINE shows that you should have your expected database.

Moral Of the Story

Nothing with any Django imports can go into the package-level files that may get brought in while importing settings.

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