Bio and Publications

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Stingray Reader Rewrite


This drifted into some serious rethinking of bad design decisions. (If someone else did this, I'd call it weak, and suggest improvements. It was me. It was bad. I'm a bad programmer and I feel bad about it.)

An an example, there's this sketchy construct:

some_data = {name: source[name] for name in the_names}
the_object = SomeClass(**some_data)

The some_data dictionary could be called Dict[str, Any], but that's unhelpful for letting mypy check the consistency of data structures. This is what was required:

  FullAttr = TypedDict("FullAttr",
          "name": str,
          "offset": int,
          "size": int,
          "type": str,
          "create": Cell,

This dictionary changes -- profoundly -- the relationship between classes. The FullAttr type gives us an intermediary representation. The SomeClass hierarchy has a flexible collection of attributes. We can use this to uncouple some parsing operations from object factory operations, using this minimal subset of definitions as a kind of bridge between modules, both of which can be fully type-checked, but still permit Python's duck-type flexibility.

It Got Worse

Adding type hints to Stingray Reader required navigating some shoal water created by a poor set of dependency decisions.

The original, vague, concept was to have a Schema and Attribute definition that could be shared by all the various readers. A schema contains a number of attributes. Ideally, an attribute can be defined by a sub-schema. This is how JSONSchema and XSD work.


The Stingray Reader reads Workbooks with an extension to read COBOL. There are a bunch of extensions required.
  • The schema is loaded by a COBOL parser. 
  • The physical file formats require the possibility of EBCDIC -> Unicode conversion. 
  • Unlike ordinary workbooks, the record layouts have to be built lazily. An ordinary workbook row is complete. Some physical formats elide empty cells, but they're easy to replace with an explicit empty cell. COBOL, has a REDEFINES clause that means we can't even attempt to parse the bytes for a row until they're required by the app. There's no way -- from the data definition alone -- to discern which of the redefines options will have valid data. There's more, but you get the idea: COBOL is kind of complex.
Versions 1 to 4 had a dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers problem.

The Schema and Attribute definitions where extended to depend on COBOL implementation details.

It works nicely because of duck typing and late binding of types.

Python's type hinting exposes the grotesque consequences of this dependency.

We tried several ways of reordering a bunch of definitions to remove forward type references. It took almost an hour to realize the circularity could not be removed trivially because of a circularity. Two Attribute subclasses depended on COBOL features. And the COBOL features had weakref references back to their Attributes.

Crushing everything into a single, large module, worked to ease the complications or circularity. But the essential interdependence needs to be expunged.

What has to happen next is to invert the relationship between Attributes and COBOL details. This means two changes:

  1. Extending the Attribute class hierarchy to contain just enough information to cover the COBOL complications. 
  2. Changing the function that builds an Attribute definition from the COBOL source so it copies details into the Attribute. The COBOL detail needs to be little more than the description of the property.

This isn't easy. But. 187 test cases and a TOX setup makes it a reasonable effort.


I can finally look seriously at converting between JSON Schema and COBOL. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

StingrayReader Upgrade


It's time to add type hints.


Learn some interesting lessons.

Here's the interesting problem:

some_data = {name: source[name] for name in the_names}
the_object = SomeClass(**some_data)

While valid, this concerns mypy.

The point here is to have a flexible source of data, source. Perhaps this is a spreadsheet row, or a complex JSON/YAML-formatted document with optional or irrelevant fields. The short list of relevant names is in the_names.  Ideally, this list of names matches the keyword args of SomeClass.

This gives mypy fits because there's no way to match the dictionary with the object's parameters.

We have two paths forward.
  1. Eliminate the intermediate dictionary. Use SomeClass(x=source['x'], y=source['y'], ... etc.)
  2. Consider using a TypedDict for the intermediate dictionary. But. Then the dictionary's types must be kept in sync with the SomeClass definition, which may be a little crazy.
Item 2 isn't as crazy as it sounds, though. The SomeClass definition has a **kwargs option, allowing extra attributes to be set. This is, perhaps also crazy. But, the framework needs to drag around extra attributes for the application's benefit.

A possibility is to do away with **kwargs, and replace it with other: Dict[Any, Any]. This cuts down on the expressivity of the framework. Now we support SomeClass.app_name. This change would mean we'd have SomeClass.other['app_name']. While possibly better for mypy, I don't think it's ideal for users.

I can also rework SomeClass to use __getattribute__() to look into self.other for extra attribute names.

I'm very happy to have the rigorous static check. The rethinking is helpful.

("Wait," you say. "You didn't provide the recommended path forward."  Correct.  I'll update.)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Wrong Abstraction Problem

For the last week I've been working with some legacy code that reveals a kind of problem I hadn't really seen before.

I'm calling it the Wrong Abstraction.

I want to contrast this with the Leaky Abstraction, where implementation details are revealed and raise havoc.

The Wrong Abstraction problem seems to arise when a specification is too technical. A detailed, code-like tangle of if-then-else becomes its own problem. I'm guessing someone worked to detail all the technical considerations. The chosen format as code-like text was not a great idea. The cyclomatic complexity of the specification is through the roof. And the code reflects this failure to actually capture anyone's underlying intent.

Cue the gif from the office. Someone with "people skills" tried to recast the business intent into technical if-then-else.


The context doesn't matter very much, but it can help people visualize the problem.

We're talking about validation rules. A document arrives, perhaps it's source code, or perhaps it's a shopping cart, or perhaps it's a schema definition. The document is validated according to some fairly sophisticated rules.
  • There's the obvious syntax check: is it valid JSON or Python or whatever the language is.
  • There are isolated validity checks. Individual elements (statements, items in the cart, subschemas) have to be valid.
  • There are aggregate validity checks. Groups of items -- the cart overall -- must satisfy some additional criteria. In our case, nine additional rules.
Some of the rules are complex. I think they original intent was drafted by a committee. It's visible, and involves large piles of money and potential lawsuits. Serious rules.

There are at least two separate implementations, mostly in JavaScript. (I'm not here to curse out JavaScript. The language has a lot of wat -- -- but that's not the point.)

So, you ask, where's the Wrongness?

It's a vast gap between intent and implementation.

Mind the Gap

The source documents decompose the validation into 9 steps. There's an explicit "all or nothing" disclaimer. That's nice.

The code looks more-or-less like this:

valid = True
for item in cart:
    for r in (Rule1, Rule2, Rule3, Rule4, ..., Rule9):
        if applies(r, item):
            valid = valid and r(item)

It turns out, though, we don't really apply all 9 rules like this. This is The Gap.

We actually have three types of items in the cart (or code or schema or whatever.) One type item has a default, a hidden feature of rule 1. It breaks down like this.
  • Rule 1 applies to an item of Type A. If the Type A item is omitted, the default value will pass the Rule 1 check. 
  • Rule 2 applies to all the items of Type B. Only.
  • Rules 3 to 8 apply to the items of Type C. Only. And they work in pairs, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8.
  • Rule 9 applies to a subset of items of Type C. The C9 subset.
Code with a nested "for all items" and "for all rules" is -- well -- wrong. It's flat-out lying about the validation rules and the objects (and collections) being validated. It's lying to a level that seems unconscionable to me. But. Maybe there's a reason.

The validation is really something more like this.

valid = Rule1(filter(lambda item: item.is_a, cart))
    and Rule2(filter(lambda item: item.is_b, cart))
    and all(
        for r in (Rule3, Rule4, Rule5, ..., Rule8) 
        for x in filter(lambda item: item.is_c, cart)
    and Rule9(filter(lambda item: item.is_c9, cart))

This reflects the actual structure of item types and rule types without wrapping them in a wrong abstraction.

(It's actually *more* complex than this, but, this is enough to expose the core issue.)

Why The Gap?

There are a number of causes. In part, the gap seems to reflect a disconnect between intention and implementation. Indeed, this seems to be an example of Conway's Law.
"Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure."
I think the for item in cart: for rule in (Rule1, ..., Rule9):  structure reflects some intermediate design work between the original intent and the developer who implemented the code.

The extra layer of design work was a failed attempt to "simplify" things for the developer. I can imagine the conversation.

Designer: "It's simple. There are 12 rules. Each rule applies to each item."
Developer: "Rule one only seems to apply to Type A. So maybe it's not simple."
Designer: "It's simple. Don't make it complex. Write an 'applicability' test. Evaluate the rule if it applies to the item."
Developer: "So it's not trivially all rules against all items? Could we associate subsets of rules with the separate item types?"
Designer: "No. You're making it complex; It's simply evaluating all 12 rules against each item. If the rule applies to the item type. Other than that, it's simple."
Developer: "Instead of the 'applicability test,' could we group the rules?"
Designer: "No. You're making it complex."

I also think the gap also reflects an inability (or a lack of permission) to hack incrementally.

Incremental Development

One of Python's strong suits is the ability to run code at the >>> prompt. Confronted with a complex data structure and complex rules, some of us will try different designs on for size as quickly as we can. We hack out the essence of the code and see if it would make sense in a tutorial explanation.

I've darted down any number of dead-ends trying to get a sensible abstraction that I can understand and explain. The idea is to write a bit of code, mess around, and then decide to backtrack or push forward. (For a lot of people, rubber ducking or pair programming helps with this.)

When you're only a few lines of code into the problem, it's easy and fun to delete it all and start again. Or. It *should* be easy and fun. Some folks worry about deleting bad code and starting over.

I think the overall context didn't facilitate hacking around. The documentation talks about creating mock documents (or carts or collections) of items for testing purposes. I don't think anyone tried that. I'm not sure they knew the feature was available. I think they put the validation code into the framework, ran it in the development environment, looked at the debugging logs, changed the code, deployed, and ran things again until it worked. A long, painful slog, where backtracking would be considered a horrible set-back.

The complex "applies()" test has a surprising bunch of if statements that don't seem to reflect the actual properties of the three types of items. It seems to reflect an evolving series of guesses about attributes that were present or absent.

When I was younger, writing COBOL, PL/I, Fortran and the like, that's how we worked. Run it. Look at logs. Run it again later in the day. The long, slow development cycle meant that as soon as something looked like it was working, we called the project 90% complete.

This lead inexorably to the ninety-ninety rule.
"The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.” 
Even if the abstraction is wrong. We've take 90% of the time to get something that works. There's no fixing it, now. We have to ship something, so we spend the next 90% of the time working around the wrongness and filling in gaps that shouldn't have existed.

A horrid development environment tends to prohibit refactoring. You can't simply run the test suite with refactored code because the test suite is neither fast nor fully automated. In this case, I don't think it runs in a handy form on the desktop, but requires a dedicated server. Without a Docker container for each developer, I think the project gets paralyzed and stuck with icky code and me doing a very expensive rewrite.


An utterly wrong abstraction seems have two root causes:

  • Too many designers
  • No ability to delete the garbage abstraction and start over with something better
  • No simple unit test environment to support refactoring

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Patreon Book Idea

See "Additional, Related Content". It's one of the posts here:

I think there's space for a Building Skills in Functional Python title next to the Building Skills in OO Design