Bio and Publications

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The SourceForge vs. GitHub Conundrum

Or "When is it time to move?"

I've got which has been on SourceForge since forever. 

Really since about 2014. Not that long. But. Maybe long enough?

The velocity of change is relatively slow.


(And this is a big however.) SourceForge seems kind of complicated when compared with Github. 

It's not a completely fair comparison. SourceForge has a *lot* of features. I don't use very many of those features. 

The troubling issues are these.

1. Documentation. SourceForge -- while it has a Git interface -- doesn't handle my documentation very well. Instead of a docs directory, I do a separate upload of the HTML. It's inelegant. SourceForge may handle this more smoothly nowadays. Or maybe I should switch to readthedocs? 

2. The Literate Programming Workflow. There's an extra step (or two) in LP workflows. The PyLit3 synchronization to create the working Python from the RST source. This is followed by the ubiquitous steps creation of a release, creation of a distribution, and the upload to PyPI. I don't have an elegant handle on this because my velocity of change is so low. SourceForge imposed a "make your own ZIP file" mentality that could be replaced by a nicer "use PyPI" approach.

3. Clunky Design Issue. I've uncovered a clunky, stateful design problem in the StingrayReader. I really really really need to fix it. And while fixing it, why not move to Github?

4. Compatibility Testing. The StingrayReader seems to work with Python 3.5 and up. I don't have a formal Tox suite. I think it works with a number of versions of XLRD. And it *should* be amenable to other tools for Excel processing. Not sure. And (until I start using tox) can't tell. 

5. Type Hints. See #3. The stateful design problem can be finessed into a much more elegant use of NamedTuples. And then mypy can be used.

6. Unit Tests. Currently, the testing is all unittest.TestCase. I really want to convert to pytest and simplify all of it.

7. Lack of a proper workflow in the first place. See #2. It's a more-or-less sitting in the master branch of a git repo that's part of SourceForge. That's kind of shabby. 

8. Version Numbering Vagueness. When I was building my own Zip archives from the code manually (because that's the way SourceForge worked.) I wasn't super careful about semantic versioning, and I've been release patch-number versions for a while. Which is wrong. A few of those versions included new features. Minor, but features. 

But. One tiny new feature. So. It will be release 4.5.

See for status, also

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Edge of the Envelope

I don't -- generally -- think of myself as an edge-of-the-envelope developer. I'm a tried-and-proven kind of engineer. I want stuff that's been around for years, with a long history of changes.



Currently, I'm revising Mastering Object-Oriented Python. Second Edition.

That means upgrading everything to Python 3.7 with full type hints throughout almost all of the 18 chapters. (SQLAlchemy presents some problems, so we're not going deep there.)

The chapter on foundational WSGI applications is *totally* broken. I can't get anything to work with mypy. (The unit tests run, but mypy complains. Loudly.) Of course, I tried every wrong thing for three solid days. Then I pulled the stub file from typeshed and realized how dumb I was.

Okay. I finally got the correct type hints. Yay!


Something in mypy is balking at the start_response() function calls. Too many arguments.

Read the issues. Hm. Stack Overflow. Hm.

Just to be sure, I updated to the new 0.630 release in September, 2018.

Problem solved. So. I've arrived at the edge of the envelope. I now require the absolutely latest and greatest mypy release. By the time I'm done with the rewrites, this release will be ancient history. But today, it was wonderful to get past the examples.