For years, I've been using
Apache POI in Java and
XLRD in Python to read spreadsheets. Finally, now that .XLSX and .XLSM files are in more widespread use, we can move away from those packages and their reliance on successful reverse engineering of undocumented features.
Spreadsheets are -- BTW -- the universal user interface. Everyone likes them, they're almost inescapable. And they work. There's no reason to attempt to replace the spreadsheet with a web page or a form or a desktop application. It's easier to cope with spreadsheet vagaries than to replace them.
The downside is, of course, that users often tweak their spreadsheets, meaning that you never have a truly "stable" interface. However, transforming each row of data into a Python dictionary (or Java mapping) often works out reasonably well to make your application mostly immune to the common spreadsheet tweaks.
Most of the .XLSX and .XLSM spreadsheets we process can be trivially converted to CSV files. It's manual, yes, but a quick audit can check the counts and totals.
Yesterday we got an .XLSM with over 80,000 plus rows. It couldn't be trivially converted to CSV by my installation of Excel.
What to do?
Python to the Rescue
Step 2. It's a zip archive. So, to process the file, we need to locate the various bits inside the archive. In many cases, the zip members can be processed "in memory". In the case of our 80,000+ row spreadsheet, the archive is 34M. The sheet in question expands to a 215M beast. The shared strings are 3M. This doesn't easily fit into memory.
Further, a simple DOM parser, like Python's excellent
ElementTree, won't work on files this huge.
Expanding an XLSX or XLSM file
Here's step 2. Expanding the zip archive to locate the shared strings and sheets.
import zipfile
def get_worksheets(name):
arc= zipfile.ZipFile( name, "r" )
member= arc.getinfo("xl/sharedStrings.xml")
arc.extract( member )
for member in arc.infolist():
if member.filename.startswith("xl/worksheets") and member.filename.endswith('.xml'):
yield member.filename
This does two things. First, it locates the shared strings and the various sheets within the zip archive. Second, it expands the sheets and shared strings into the local working directory.
There are many other parts to the workbook archive. The good news is that we're not interesting in complex workbooks with lots of cool Excel features. We're interested in workbooks that are basically file-transfer containers. Usually a few sheets with a consistent format.
Once we have the raw files, we have to parse the shared strings first. Then we can parse the data. Both of these files are simple XML. However, they don't fit in memory. We're forced to use SAX.
Step 3 -- Parse the Strings
Here's a SAX ContentHandler that finds the shared strings.
import xml.sax
import xml.sax.handler
class GetStrings( xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler ):
"""Locate Shared Strings."""
def __init__( self ):
self.context= []
self.count= 0
self.string_dict= {}
def path( self ):
return [ n[1] for n in self.context ]
def startElement( self, name, attrs ):
print( "***Non-Namespace Element", name )
def startElementNS( self, name, qname, attrs ):
self.context.append( name )
self.buffer= ""
def endElementNS( self, name, qname ):
if self.path() == [u'sst', u'si', u't']:
self.string_dict[self.count]= self.buffer
self.buffer= ""
self.count += 1
while self.context[-1] != name:
def characters( self, content ):
if self.path() == [u'sst', u'si', u't']:
self.buffer += content
This handler collects the strings into a simple dictionary, keyed by their relative position in the XML file.
This handler is used as follows.
string_handler= GetStrings()
rdr= xml.sax.make_parser()
rdr.setContentHandler( string_handler )
rdr.setFeature( xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True )
rdr.parse( "xl/sharedStrings.xml" )
We create the handler, create a parser, and process the shared strings portion of the workbook. When this is done, the handler has a dictionary of all strings. This is
string_handler.string_dict. Note that a
shelve database could be used if the string dictionary was so epic that it wouldn't fit in memory.
The Final Countdown
Once we have the shared strings, we can then parse each worksheet, using the share string data to reconstruct a simple CSV file (or JSON document or something more usable).
The Content Handler for the worksheet isn't too complex. We only want cell values, so there's little real subtlety. The biggest issue is coping with the fact that sometimes the content of a tag is reported in multiple parts.
class GetSheetData( xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler ):
"""Locate column values."""
def __init__( self, string_dict, writer ):
self.id_pat = re.compile( r"(\D+)(\d+)" )
self.string_dict= string_dict
self.context= []
self.row= {}
self.writer= writer
def path( self ):
return [ n[1] for n in self.context ]
def startElement( self, name, attrs ):
print( "***Non-Namespace Element", name )
def startElementNS( self, name, qname, attrs ):
self.context.append( name )
if name[1] == "row":
self.row_num = attrs.getValueByQName(u'r')
elif name[1] == "c":
if u't' in attrs.getQNames():
self.cell_type = attrs.getValueByQName(u't')
self.cell_type = None # defult, not a string
self.cell_id = attrs.getValueByQName(u'r')
id_match = self.id_pat.match( self.cell_id )
self.row_col = self.make_row_col( id_match.groups() )
elif name[1] == "v":
self.buffer= "" # Value of a cell
pass # might do some debugging here.
def make_row_col( col_row_pair ):
col = 0
for c in col_row_pair[0]:
col = col*26 + (ord(c)-ord("A")+1)
return int(col_row_pair[1]), col-1
def endElementNS( self, name, qname ):
if name[1] == "row":
# write the row to the CSV result file.
self.writer.writerow( [ self.row.get(i) for i in xrange(max(self.row.keys())) ] )
self.row= {}
elif name[1] == "v":
if self.cell_type is None:
self.value= float( self.buffer )
except ValueError:
print( self.row_num, self.cell_id, self.cell_type, self.buffer )
self.value= None
elif self.cell_type == "s":
self.value= self.string_dict[int(self.buffer)]
except ValueError:
print( self.row_num, self.cell_id, self.cell_type, self.buffer )
self.value= None
elif self.cell_type == "b":
self.value= bool(self.buffer)
print( self.row_num, self.cell_id, self.cell_type, self.buffer, self.string_dict.get(int(self.buffer)) )
self.value= None
self.row[self.row_col[1]] = self.value
while self.context[-1] != name:
def characters( self, content ):
self.buffer += content
This class and the shared string handler could be refactored to eliminate a tiny bit of redundancy.
This class does two things. At the end of a tag, it determines what data was found. It could be a number, a boolean value or a shared string. At the end of a tag, it writes the row to a CSV writer.
This handler is used as follows.
rdr= xml.sax.make_parser()
rdr.setFeature( xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True )
for s in sheets:
with open(s+".csv","wb") as result:
handler= GetSheetData(string_handler.string_dict,csv.writer(result))
rdr.setContentHandler( handler )
rdr.parse( s )
This iterates through each sheet, transforming it into a simple .CSV file. Once we have the file in CSV format, it's smaller and simpler. It can easily be processed by follow-on applications.
The overall loop actually looks like this.
sheets= list( get_worksheets(name) )
string_handler= GetStrings()
rdr= xml.sax.make_parser()
rdr.setContentHandler( string_handler )
rdr.setFeature( xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True )
rdr.parse( "xl/sharedStrings.xml" )
rdr= xml.sax.make_parser()
rdr.setFeature( xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, True )
for s in sheets:
with open(s+".csv","wb") as result:
handler= GetSheetData(string_handler.string_dict,csv.writer(result))
rdr.setContentHandler( handler )
rdr.parse( s )
This expands the shared strings and individual sheets. It iterates through the sheets, using the shared strings, to create a bunch of .CSV files from the .XLSM data.
The resulting .CSV -- stripped of the XML overheads -- is 80,000+ rows and only 39M. Also, it can be processed with the Python
csv library.
CSV Processing
This, after all, was the goal. Read the CSV file and do some useful work.
def csv_rows(source):
rdr= csv.reader( source )
headings = []
for n, cols in enumerate( rdr ):
if n < 4:
if headings:
headings = [ (top+' '+nxt).strip() for top, nxt in zip( headings, cols ) ]
headings = cols
yield dict(zip(headings,cols))
We locate the four header rows and build labels from the the four rows of data. Given these big, complex headers, we can then build a dictionary from each data row. The resulting structure is exactly like the results of a csv.DictReader, and can be used to do the "real work" of the application.